Review 2023 Review 2023

Monday is a cloud-based platform that helps teams collaborate, manage projects, and track progress. It is designed to be flexible and customizable for different workflows and industries. In this review, I will focus on how can be used as a customer relationship management (CRM) tool, and what are its advantages and disadvantages.

A CRM is a system that helps businesses manage their relationships and interactions with current and potential customers. A CRM software can help businesses improve customer satisfaction, retention, and loyalty by streamlining communication, tracking activities, and providing insights.

Monday offers a CRM solution that allows users to create boards for different stages of the sales pipeline, such as leads, prospects, opportunities, and customers. Users can add columns to each board to store relevant information, such as contact details, deal value, status, notes, and more. Users can also link boards together to create a seamless flow of data across the sales process.

One of the main benefits of as a CRM is its flexibility and customization. Users can choose from various templates or create their own boards from scratch. Users can also add integrations with other tools, such as Gmail, Outlook, Zoom, Slack, and more. Users can also automate tasks and workflows using’s built-in automations or create their own custom automations using the monday apps framework.

Another benefit of as a CRM is its visual and intuitive interface. The platform uses colorful designs and big buttons that make it easy to navigate and use. Users can view their data in different ways, such as table, timeline, kanban, calendar, chart, map, and more. Users can also filter, sort, group, and search their data using various criteria. Users can also collaborate with their team members by adding comments, mentions, updates, and files to each item.

However, also has some drawbacks as a CRM. One of them is its pricing. starts from $24 per month for three users and goes up from there based on the chosen plan and team size. The platform offers four plans: Basic, Standard, Pro, and Enterprise. Each plan has different features and limitations. For example, the Basic plan only allows up to 5 GB of storage space and 1 week of activity log history. The Standard plan allows up to 50 GB of storage space and unlimited activity log history. The Pro plan allows up to 250 GB of storage space and advanced features such as time tracking, chart views, formula columns, private boards, and more. The Enterprise plan offers unlimited storage space and premium features such as audit log, session management, advanced permissions settings, HIPAA compliance, and more.

Another drawback of as a CRM is its learning curve. Although the platform is user-friendly and intuitive, it can also be overwhelming and confusing for some users. The platform has many features and options that can take some time to learn and master. Users may need to watch tutorials or contact support to get started or troubleshoot issues.

In conclusion, Monday is a powerful and versatile platform that can be used as a CRM tool for different businesses and industries. It offers a flexible and customizable solution that can adapt to various workflows and needs. It also has a visual and collaborative interface that makes it easy to manage and track customer relationships. However, it also has some drawbacks such as its pricing and learning curve that may deter some users from choosing it as their CRM software.

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