Clone Source and CloneSourceId Fix

We have recently had a few issues with the integration between Salesforce Objects and Tableau CRM, namely to do with the Clone Source and the CloneSourceId fields. We have been receiving errors stating:

“Field [CloneSourceId] is not available. Verify that the field exists and that the Analytics Cloud Integration User profile has Read level access on the field. “

Salesforce Error Message

So we asked our friendly Salesforce Help Team and they informed us that “including these fields in a dataflow, recipe, or data sync definition will cause the related job to fail” – short and to the point.

They did add a little more info, “read level access to these fields cannot be granted to the Integration User.”

And so how to fix this Clone Source and CloneSourceId issue?

Either completely remove any reference to the field(s) in any of your Recipe or Dataflow. Alternatively, remove the field(s) from the Data Sync definition.

That’s it.

Ian Jamieson avatar

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