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My 5 Favourite Salesforce Shortcuts

Ian Jamieson 0

Did you know that Salesforce has shortcut keys?

These are simple keystrokes that perform useful Salesforce actions. I use shortcuts a lot to work more effectively and efficiently in Salesforce Lightning.

Below are my five favourite Salesforce shortcuts that I want to share with you.

1eEditEdit a record. This shortcut doesn’t work with Lightning Knowledge articles, reports, dashboards, feed items, approval requests, and email messages.
2EscClose or deselectClose or deselect a window.
3/SearchPlaces your cursor in the search box.
4Windows: Ctrl+. macOS: Cmd+.SaveSave a record.
5Windows: Ctrl+. macOS: Cmd+.Insert quick textDisplays the quick text browser. Use the browser to find, preview, and insert quick text.

Bonus: to see a list of all of the available Salesforce shortcuts then simply press:

  • Windows: Ctrl+/
  • macOS: Cmd+/

and the window below will pop up.

Give these shortcuts a go today and with a bit of practice, you’ll be using these shortcuts to become a boss of Salesforce in no time.

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