Salesforce S Summer ’23 Release Notes For Flows

Salesforce S Summer ’23 Release Notes For Flows

Salesforce ’23 Release Notes: What’s New for Salesforce Flow

Salesforce Flow is a powerful tool that allows you to automate business processes and create engaging user experiences without writing code. In the Summer ’23 release, Salesforce Flow introduces several new features and enhancements that make it easier and faster to build flows and deliver value to your users. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Flow Builder: You can now use the new Flow Builder to design flows with a modern, intuitive, and responsive interface. The Flow Builder offers a streamlined canvas, a simplified toolbar, a revamped toolbox, and a new properties panel. You can also use the new auto-layout feature to automatically arrange the elements on your canvas and create neat and organized flows.
  • Flow Templates: You can now choose from a variety of flow templates to get started quickly with common use cases and scenarios. Flow templates provide pre-built flows that you can customize and deploy with minimal configuration. You can also create your own flow templates and share them with other users in your org or on AppExchange.
  • Flow Components: You can now use flow components to add rich and interactive elements to your screen flows. Flow components are Lightning web components that you can drag and drop onto your screen elements and configure with properties. You can use the standard flow components provided by Salesforce, such as the file upload component, the data table component, and the progress indicator component. You can also create your own custom flow components or install them from AppExchange.
  • Flow Actions: You can now use flow actions to invoke external services and integrations from your flows. Flow actions are invocable actions that you can drag and drop onto your canvas and configure with inputs and outputs. You can use the standard flow actions provided by Salesforce, such as the send email action, the post to Chatter action, and the call Apex action. You can also create your own custom flow actions or install them from AppExchange.
  • Flow Debugging: You can now use the new Flow Debugger to test and troubleshoot your flows in real time. The Flow Debugger allows you to run your flows in a sandbox or scratch org and inspect the values of your variables, resources, and elements at each step. You can also set breakpoints, step through your flow, and resume or restart your flow execution.
  • Flow Distribution: You can now use the new Flow Distribution feature to easily share your flows with your users and track their usage and feedback. You can distribute your flows as standalone apps, as embedded components on record pages or home pages, as quick actions on records or global actions, or as custom tabs or buttons. You can also monitor the performance and adoption of your flows with analytics dashboards and reports.

These are just some of the exciting new features and enhancements for Salesforce Flow in the ’23 release. To learn more about Salesforce Flow and how to use it to automate your business processes and create engaging user experiences, check out the following resources:

  • Salesforce Flow Documentation:
  • Salesforce Flow Trailhead:
  • Salesforce Flow Community:
Ian Jamieson avatar

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