Sending Salesforce Survey Invites To People Outside Your Organisation

Sending Salesforce Survey Invites To People Outside Your Organisation

Salesforce Surveys are very easy to create and can be shared with users inside and outside your organisation.

Once a Survey has been created it can be tricky for Admins to share the survey links with people outside the organisation. Often when external people click on a survey link they have been sent, they are then asked to login to Salesforce – which they probably can’t and won’t do. This is because the survey invite hasn’t been setup currently to allow external people open and complete the survey.

To share a survey link with someone outside of your organisation, follow these steps.

  • Open the latest version of your survey
  • Click on the Send tab, then Get Invitation
  • Select the Participants Outside Your Organiation tab and tick the ‘Don’t require authentication’ tickbox.
  • You can now click on the Copy Link button and this creates a Survey Invitation Link that can be opened by external people who do not need to login to access and complete the survey.

Be sure to take a look at Salesforce Surveys if you haven’t already. Most orgs get the Survey functionality for free, with a limited number of survey completions allowed. To check if you have access to Surveys, in Salesforce go to Setup > Company Information and then look under the ‘Usage-based Entitlements’ section and it will detail ‘Maximum survey responses allowed for an org’.

Ian Jamieson avatar

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