Using Parent Campaigns in Salesforce

Salesforce is not just about Sales and Service. Salesforce is a powerful marketing platform as well, allowing you to manage your marketing and sales activities in one place.

One of the features that can help you organize and track your campaigns more effectively is parent campaigns. I use Parent Campaigns to group Campaigns together that otherwise may be disparate and difficult to report across.

Use Cases

Parent campaigns are campaigns that have one or more child campaigns associated with them. A child campaign is a campaign that inherits some attributes from its parent campaign, such as type, status, start date, end date, and budget. You can also roll up campaign statistics from child campaigns to parent campaigns, such as the number of leads, contacts, opportunities, and revenue generated.

Parent campaigns can help you in several ways:

  • They can help you group related campaigns together and see the overall performance of a larger initiative. For example, you can create a parent campaign for a product launch and have child campaigns for different channels, such as email, social media, webinars, etc.
  • They can help you avoid duplication and inconsistency in your campaign data. For example, if you change the start date or budget of a parent campaign, the child campaigns will automatically update to reflect the change.
  • They can help you save time and effort in creating and managing your campaigns. For example, you can clone a parent campaign with its child campaigns and modify them as needed for a new initiative.

Enable Parent Campaigns In Salesforce

To use parent campaigns in Salesforce, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Enable parent campaigns in your org. Go to Setup > Campaigns > Campaign Settings and check the box for “Enable Campaign Hierarchies”.
  2. Create a parent campaign. Go to the Campaigns tab and click New. Fill in the required fields and any other fields that you want to apply to all child campaigns. Save the campaign.
  3. Create child campaigns. Go to the Campaigns tab and click New. Fill in the required fields and any other fields that are specific to the child campaign. In the Parent Campaign field, select the parent campaign that you created in step 2. Save the campaign.
  4. Repeat step 3 for as many child campaigns as you need.
  5. View and analyze your parent and child campaigns. Go to the Campaigns tab and click on the name of a parent or child campaign. You will see a related list of Child Campaigns or Parent Campaign at the bottom of the page. You can also use reports and dashboards to see aggregated data from parent and child campaigns.

Parent campaigns are a useful feature that can help you streamline your marketing and sales processes in Salesforce. By using them, you can create more organized and consistent campaigns that align with your goals and strategies.

Ian Jamieson avatar

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